Curriculum Vitae


Ph.D. Higher Education, The Pennsylvania State University - 2025
Inclusion as Written, Delivered, and Received: Translating Policy and Programming into Inclusive Educational Practice
(Committee: Dr. Kelly Ochs Rosinger, Dr. Leah P. Hollis, Dr. Karen Paulson, and Dr. Marcela Borge)

M.P.P. Education Policy, Vanderbilt University - 2020
M.A. Modern European History, University of Tennessee - 2017
B.A. History, University of Arkansas - 2015

Professional Experience

NODA Intern, Tatkon Center for New Students - Cornell University (May 2024 - August 2024)
Senior Administrative Assistant
, Honors College - Texas State University (May 2020 - May 2021)
Graduate Program Assistant, Department of English - Vanderbilt University (February 2019 - May 2020)
Administrative Assistant I, Department of Religious Studies - Vanderbilt University (August 2017 - February 2019)

Research & Policy Experience

Lead, International Student Inclusion Project (August 2023 - Present)
A three-phase, department-level initiative designed to provide inclusive academic support services to international students within the Department of Education Policy Studies’ three graduate programs. Lead the construction of a Canvas-based student toolkit that reviews expectations for graduate coursework in the U.S. alongside modules that cover the U.S. system of government and its systems of K-12 and higher education, discussions of landmark education policy, and an investigation of key terms like diversity, equity, inclusion, belonging, social justice, and decolonization. Other initiative components include an instructor-facing toolkit pertaining to instructional practice for international students and a peer-to-peer mentoring program that links incoming first-year cohorts of international students with active students in the program.

Fellow 2023, Council for Higher Education Accreditation (May - June 2023)
Eight-week internship based in Washington, D.C. focused on recognition processes, government relations, policy development, and advocacy work on behalf of CHEA. Published two position papers on U.S. Pell Grant reinstatement and the impact of internationalization on accreditation and quality assurance. Collected data on diversity, equity, and inclusion standards across U.S. accrediting bodies. Provided event support for CHEA’s May 2023 All Accreditors Forum. 

Graduate Research Assistant, The Pennsylvania State University (June 2021 - Present)
Member of the InformEd States multi-institutional research team conducting policy analysis and original research on equity and effectiveness in state higher education funding. Provide data collection for Gates Foundation projects on statewide financial aid programs. Lead project on administrative burden in statewide financial aid programs. Locate and interpret state higher education finance policy documents over time using the Internet Archive’s Wayback Machine and Thomson Reuters Westlaw.

Peer-Reviewed Publications

Everett, A., Rosinger, K.O., Baker, D.J., Kim, H.-J., Kelchen, R., & Ortagus, J.C. (2024). Tennessee’s burden: How students access state financial aid within one southern state. Research in Higher Education.

Manuscripts Under Peer Review

Prieto, J., & Everett, A. (Under Contract). International development, higher education's third mission & the internationalization of service: Towards an international community-centered university service model. In M. Agnew & J. Beelen (Eds.), Critical internationalization in higher education: An evidence-based approach to ethical global engagement. Routledge.

Baker, D. J., Rosinger, K., Ortagus, J., Kelchen, R., Everett, A., Lingo, M., & Choi, J. (Under Review). A national analysis of variations of state financial aid program design and student success. Educational Researcher.

Public Scholarship

Everett, A., & Brun, M.L. (2023, July 31). Power through legitimacy: Internationalization, quality assurance, and curriculum in global higher education. Quality International Newsletter. Washington, D.C.: Council for Higher Education Accreditation. Public URL.

Everett, A. (2023, June 29). Pell reinstatement: Enhancing access or perpetuating inequity? Council for Higher Education Accreditation. Public URL.  

Briefs, Reports & Datasets

Everett, A., Al Saghir, G., Prieto, J., Sohn, D., Park, S., & Alzhrani, K. (2023, April 21). Policy versus reality: The state of inclusion for international graduate students at The Pennsylvania State University. Presentation.

Rosinger, K., Baker, D., Ortagus, J., Kelchen, R., Everett, A., Lingo, M., & Choi, J. (2023). InformEd States state financial aid dataset. Retrieved from

Conference Presentations

Everett, A., Rosinger, K. O., Baker, D. J., Kim, H.-J., Kelchen, R., & Ortagus, J. C. (2024, November 21). The cost/benefit of aid: Analyzing impact of state and federal financial aid policies on student outcomes [Conference session]. Association for Public Policy Analysis & Management Annual Conference. National Harbor, MD.

Everett, A. (2024, November 20). Operationalizing academic inclusion: Perception, policy, and reality for international undergraduate students [Conference presentation]. Association for the Study of Higher Education Annual Conference. Minneapolis, MN.

Everett, A., Blanchard, A.-G. S. (2024, January 31). Student voices in academic quality: Aligning DEI with the practice of internationalization [Concurrent Session]. Council for Higher Education Accreditation Annual Conference. Washington, D.C.

Al Saghir, G., Everett, A., Sohn, D., Park, S., Prieto, J. (2023, September 22). Designing inclusive support programming for international graduate students: The EPS inclusion project [Invited talk]. Comparative and International Education Speaker Series. The Pennsylvania State University. State College, PA.

Everett, A., Rosinger, K.O., Baker, D.J., Kim, H.-J., Kelchen, R., & Ortagus, J.C. (2022, November 16). Examining administrative burden in Tennessee’s statewide financial aid programs [Conference presentation]. Association for the Study of Higher Education Annual Conference. Las Vegas, NV. Presentation.

Funded Research

Intensive Language Course Grant, Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (2016)
State Undergraduate Research Fellowship, University of Arkansas (2015)

Fellowships, Awards & Honors

Doctors William D. & Patricia A. Horton Scholarship in Education, The Pennsylvania State University (2024-2025; 2023-2024)
Student Leadership Scholarship
, The Pennsylvania State University (Fall 2023)
Doctors William D. & Patricia A. Horton Scholarship in Education, The Pennsylvania State University (2023-2024)
Dr. Jonathan R. Fife Scholarship for Research in Higher Education
, The Pennsylvania State University (Summer 2023)
Geraldine W. Brush Endowment Scholarship for Excellence in the College of Education, The Pennsylvania State University (Summer 2023)
Small Grants for Student Research & Travel Fund Recipient, The Pennsylvania State University (Fall 2022)
School of Criticism & Theory Graduate Fellow, Cornell University (Summer 2022)
Hendrickson Endowment Award, The Pennsylvania State University (Summer 2022; Spring 2024)
Strategic Plan Grant, The Pennsylvania State University (Summer 2022)
Lavanda P. Muller Graduate Fellowship in Education, The Pennsylvania State University (Spring 2022)
Robert W. Graham Endowed Graduate Fellowship, The Pennsylvania State University (2021-2022)
Peabody Scholastic Achievement Scholarship, Vanderbilt University (2019-2020)
Chancellor’s Fellowship, University of Tennessee (2015-2016; 2016-2017)

Teaching Experience

Graduate School Teaching Certificate, The Pennsylvania University (May 2023)

Graduate Teaching Assistant, The Pennsylvania State University
Courses TA’d for: Education in American Society (Fall 2022); Analyzing Faculty Workload, Performance & Compensation (Spring 2023); Planning and Resource Management (Fall 2023)

Instructional Foundations Certificate, The Pennsylvania State University (Fall 2021)

Graduate Teaching Assistant, University of Tennessee
Courses TA’d for: Colonial America (Fall 2015); The Global History of Communism (Spring 2016); Western Civilization 1715-Present (Fall 2016)


Panel Moderator, 2024 Annual Conference - Council for Higher Education Accreditation (January 2024)
Committee Member, University Committee for the Assessment of Learning - The Pennsylvania State University (2023-2024)
Vice President, Higher Education Students Association - The Pennsylvania State University (2023-2024)
Abstract Reviewer - Society for Research on Educational Effectiveness (Spring 2023)
Delegate & Graduate Council Representative, Graduate & Professional Student Association - The Pennsylvania State University (2021-2022)
Vice President, IRIS Journal of Scholarship - Vanderbilt University (2019-2020)
Peabody Peer Career Mentor, Peabody College - Vanderbilt University (2019-2020)
Steering Committee Officer, College of Arts & Sciences - Vanderbilt University (Summer 2019)

Professional Affiliations

ASHE - Association for the Study of Higher Education
SREE - Society for Research on Educational Effectiveness
AERA - American Educational Research Association
Organization Development Network

Last updated February 2025 (PDF copy)